season 2
Abortion, with love is currently on Season 2, episodes will be published spontaneously!

What do Men have to do with Abortion?
S01 E09 / Joe Strong talks about his research on masculinities and abortion, and we discuss how social expectations of men impact abortion stigma

The Beyoncé of Abortion Storytelling
S01 E08 / Renee Bracey Sherman talks about the intersection of abortion and race, challenging narratives of the anti-abortion movement in the USA, and looking at how abortion is represented in TV.

Monika’s Story
S01 E07 / Monika shares her experiences having an abortion in the Netherlands

Trans-Inclusive Abortion Care
S01 E06 / A.J. Lowik talks about trans reproductive justice, and what trans inclusion in abortion care looks like.

Protecting Abortion Clinics
S01 E05 / Polly Jackson talks to us about Sister Supporter, an organisation advocating for buffer zones to protect abortion seekers from harassment outside of abortion clinics

The Abortion Aunties in Berlin
S01 E04 / Maria from Ciocia Basia talks about helping people from Poland travel to Germany to access abortions

What’s happening in Poland?
S01 E03 / Karolina Więckiewicz, from The Abortion Dream Team, talks about what it’s like to be an activist protesting the new abortion bans in Poland

An Introduction to Vacuum Aspiration
S01 E02 / Beth Falkner explains vacuum aspiration to us, and we talk about the stigma surrounding later abortions

An Introduction to Abortion with Pills
S01 E01 / Davi Lopez Green explains how an abortion with pills works.