What do Men have to do with Abortion?

season 1, episode 9

February 2, 2021

Illustration by Carla Camoglio

What do men have to do with abortion? How does societal expectations of masculinity impact abortion stigma? Why are men so silent when it comes to talking about abortion? On this episode, Joe Strong will be helping us start answering these questions.

Joe Strong (he/him) is a PhD candidate at the London School of Economics, where he is studying the relationships between men, masculinities, emergency contraception and abortion-related care in Ghana. He'll also talk to us about the Abortion Book Club that he co-hosts with Dr. Rishita Nandagiri!

Resources and Links:

Joe Strong’s twitter: @JoeStrongDemog

Masculinity Project

Abortion Book Club (Twitter: @AbortionBooks_)

Dr. Rishita Nandagiri (Twitter: @rishie_)

Renee Bracey Sherman, on storytelling and reproductive justice (Abortion, with love Episode 8: The Beyonce of Abortion Storytelling)

Professor Flora Cornish, on positionality in research (Twitter: @FloraCornish)

Raewyn Connell, on hegemonic masculinities (Twitter: @raewynconnell)

João Florêncio, on the concept of porous masculinity (Twitter: @NoisyBits)

Dr. Pam Lowe, on anti-abortion discourse (Twitter: @DrPamLowe)

Dr. Ruth Pearce, on trans pregnancy (Twitter: @NotRightRuth)

Loretta J. Ross, on reproductive justice (Twitter: @LorettaJRoss)

Sistersong, reproductive justice collective

Illustration by Carla Camoglio

From FAQs to Chatbots: How the Internet is Expanding Access to Information


The Beyoncé of Abortion Storytelling