Conscientious Objection in Italy
illustration by Carla Camoglio
season 1, episode 14
March 30, 2021
Conscientious Objection, when doctors refuse to provide abortion care due to their personal beliefs, is one of the biggest barriers that people in Italy face in accessing abortion. Even though abortion has been legal since 1978, Article 9 of that law introduces the right to conscientious objection for the health personnel involved in activities that are specific and necessary for an abortion, but not to activities that are performed before or after the abortion. Nevertheless, many healthcare professionals use conscientious objection as an excuse to deny contraceptives and pre- and post- abortion services to people who need them. Approximately 70% of gynaecologists in Italy are objectors.
Objection Respinta is a transfeminist and intersectional project that maps conscientious objection in Italy. A network made up of students, midwives, doctors and activists, women, and people who have and have not necessarily faced the stigma of abortion and conscientious objection in their lives. In this episode I talk to Eleonora (she/her) and Bianca (she/her) who talk about the work that they are doing and read to us two testimonies from their website.
Links and Resources:
On you can find their map and other useful links
You can follow them on Facebook:
and Instagram: @obiezione.respinta
You can support the project on
And receive support and information about abortion and contraception in Italy by contacting them on Whatsapp 24/7 at +39(0)3319634889